Sedation Dentistry
If You Fear Having Dental Work Done, You’re Not Alone!

You Don’t Have to be Scared of the Dentist Anymore
Sedation dentistry removes the layer of fear and anxiety of having dental procedures done allowing you to stop procrastinating and finally receive the dental care you’ve been avoiding. You will be totally relaxed and comfortable,
Sedation dentistry compresses time in your mind. Meaning, a two hour appointment will feel like a one hour appointment and an hour appointment will feel like only a half hour appointment. When you return home after the dental appointment you will also experience an amnesic effect. Meaning, you will remember going to the dentist and talking to the dentist, but you will have little to no memory of the actual dental procedures performed.
With sedation dentistry we can correct years of embarrassing dental problems in as little as 1 or 2 appointments! And as an added bonus, our gentle dental assistants will even hold your hand if you want them to.
Conscious Sedation:
After taking two conscious sedation pills one hour before your dental visit, you will be totally relaxed and awake. You will need an appointed driver to bring you to the office and to take you home.
The layer of fear and anxiety will be removed and you will be able to receive the dentistry you deserve in a comfortable setting. During the dental appointment you will be able to talk to the doctor and follow directions. You will be awake and conscious but won’t care of what’s going on. You will feel completely relaxed. Time in your mind will be compressed. A two hour appointment will feel like one hour and a one hour appointment will feel like a half hour. When you return home, you will also have an amnesic effect in your mind. Meaning, you will remember going to the dental appointment, but most of the particulars and details of what went on, you will have little to no memory.
Dr. Bridenstine and Dr. Boldry are experienced and have been doing conscious sedation with their dental phobic patients for over twenty years. Each patient is closely monitored during the appointment with an automatic blood pressure cuff and a pulse oximeter that measures blood oxygen levels. Our patient’s comfort and safety is our doctor’s number one priority.
Please stop putting off your dental work because of fear and anxiety or because you had a bad dental experience in the past. We can help you with sedation dentistry! We want to get you out of pain and discomfort so you can enjoy life again and feel good about yourself! We want you to be able to eat again, pain-free and have a beautiful smile!
Please call us today for an appointment…it’s time! 913-631-2677.
*Sedation Dentistry is not a recognized dental specialty.
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Throughout your dental visit, your vital signs will be closely electronically monitored by state-of-the-art-equipment. You will receive constant compassionate and attentive care by our professional team. Dr. Bridenstine is both CPR and ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) certified. sedation to patients for over twenty years. Your comfort and safety is our number one priority!
How long will it take?
Depending on how much dental work you need and the condition of your mouth, a sedation appointment can range from one hour to four hours. Our doctors and their professional sedation team will only be focused on you during your visit. There will be nothing to interrupt or interfere with your treatment. Which is why we are able complete even the most serious dental conditions in as little as one or two visits.
Will I be unconscious?
We offer conscious sedation for Kansas City residents. With conscious sedation, you will take two conscious sedation pills one hour before your dental appointment. A designated driver would bring you to the office and later take you home. You will be able to walk under your own power to the treatment room. The feeling of fear and anxiety will be gone. You will be awake and conscious but will feel deeply relaxed. You will not be aware of sounds and smells around you and after, you will have little to no memory of your dental experience in the dental chair.
How do I get started?
Our front office administrators are waiting to hear from you. Please call our office today to make an appointment. Dr. Bridenstine or Dr. Boldry will sit down with you go over everything with you about sedation dentistry. You’ll wonder why you waited so long. You’ll finally be able to get out of pain and discomfort and have healthy gums and teeth. The natural healthy smile you’ve always been dreaming of is just a phone call away. We can help you!
Please call our office today…it’s time! 913-631-2677
Who should try sedation dentistry?
If you avoid going to the dentist because you get paralyzing fear, then sedation dentistry is for you. Maybe you had an unpleasant or traumatic experience with a dentist in the past or maybe you just don’t have time to take lots of time off from work to go to multiple dental appointments. Some people have a low pain tolerance or have a hard time getting numb. They still “feel” the dental drill on their teeth. Some people have a bad gag reflex and can’t tolerate anything placed in their mouth. And, still others are too embarrassed about the condition of their teeth and keep procrastinating scheduling dental appointments while their teeth and gums continue to deteriorate.
No matter what the reason is, Dr. Bridenstine and Dr. Boldry and their team of professionals can help you receive the dentistry you deserve with sedation dentistry. Call us for a consultation and exam and we can explain all the great benefits sedation dentistry has to help you get out of pain and be able to chew food again.
Contact Us
Will I be unconscious?
We offer conscious sedation for Kansas City residents. With conscious sedation, you will take two conscious sedation pills one hour before your dental appointment. A designated driver would bring you to the office and later take you home. You will be able to walk under your own power to the treatment room. The feeling of fear and anxiety will be gone. You will be awake and conscious but will feel deeply relaxed. You will not be aware of sounds and smells around you and after, you will have little to no memory of your dental experience in the dental chair..